Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dolphin Music Final thoughts

1, Characters-Saul,Caroline, Ruth, Sue, Captain Marrs, Dick Lane, The controller, Peter, Dolphins
I would like to be Caroline. Because I like to play instrument like her, and it would fun to be a popular musician and play at web concert. Also, I like her strong and brave and thoughtful personality.

2.His act was normal. If I was him, I may did and thought same things, because it would be so hard to believe things that I never hared before,also if its sound clazy, I don't want believe it.

3. Setting- Richmond,England which is big city.
2051-almost everything can do with computer and virtual system. You can't go outside without gear because outside is too hot. Everything controlled by the government. Also, you can talk with computer to give it orders.

4. While I was reading this novel I was the main character Saul. I felt fear and excited to know the new information about the dolphins, and I confused. I felt horror and anger while runaway from Captain Marrs. I was elevated mood when I discovered real world which was freedom and real relationship with nature and human. I was sad at Catherine was dead, also,very proud of her. I was very emotion when the dolphin was swim at the ocean and hear the Wind's last singing.

5. Main Character was Saul.
I rather to live in quiet and comfortable life than get too much risk in a life. I like music. These things are like Saul. But I think I'm more brave than him and I'm not complain things like him.

6. Dear Saul,

I'm so proud of you what you have done and succeed for this difficult mission. Your braveness and kindness made save the dolphins. I hope you always remember the importance of freedom and real love came from serve others. I'm sorry about your girl friend Catherine. She was very brave and sweet lady. She loved you and trusted you. She saved you and also all Europe. Please don't forget her.

I hope your future will be happy and bright.



Dalphin Music Chapter 17, 20

Chapter 17

1. Captain Marrs
2. BEATCON who assigned to watch screen
3. Sue
4. Dolphins
5. Saul and Sue
6. Computer

Chapter 20

The next day, during a live concert on the web, Caroline started talking about Saul. She repeated everything he had told her about the dolphin and Music Room, and how they were harmed in order to make music. As she was speaking Dick Lane came into the recording studio and shot her dead.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Blurb of "Dolphin Music"

In 2051, whole Europe was ruled and controlled everything by government "Control". People are not allowed to go out without tell Control, they only travelled when they had to. They use Virtual equipment to entertain themselves, include exercising, trip, relationship with girlfriend. The Control also made music with dolphin by harmed them. PACE (People Against Control in Europe) stood up to rescue those dolphins and change this wrong control world.

This book remind us how important and glad to have freedum and how precious of care about others. Incrouds excitment, denger, romance, battle of houmanism etc... You can't stop reading and sweet spirit will be touch your hart.

Letter to my friend

Hi Jean,

How are you? How is your children doing? You have two teenagers as me, I know they are growing every day, every minute.

My teens are growing too. They grow as weeds, they are taller and stronger, and they think, smarter than me! My oldest Ron became 16 in April.

Jean, have you done driving practice with 16 years old on a street? It was most scary experience in my life. My right leg was soring after his practice, because I put some muscle in my right foot to try to push a brake. First couple times, he turned a curb 30 mile/hour, he didn't notice a stop sign, when he looked at a person who was jogging on side of the street, he drove toward her. He got fed up, because I said "slow down!!!!","watch out!!!",so many times to him. I wondered how he can get a licence.

Now, he finished his all driving courses and his driving skill was inproved. Also, he passed a test, and he will get real licence in October. He was looking forward to drive without me. It will convenient to have another driver in a house but I'm never feel from worries.

Let's talk about "the teenagers" together someday again.

Have a great summer.


Friday, July 4, 2008


WALL-E is the story of last robot on Earth. His programming was to help clean up. The Earth was covered with trash, and everyone had to leave Earth. While people escaped from Earth, millions of little robots that went around to clean up the trash and make Earth habitable again. One day another robot, named EVE, came to Earth and check on how things are doing.
WALL-E fall in love with her........More information, you can go to this official web site.
You can see pictures and also play games!

I enjoyed this movie a lot. This movie is not just children, everybody in this Earth might see and think about environment of Earth and refresh of true pure love.