Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dolphin Music questions

Chapter 5

*Who wants to save the dolphins?- Ruth and Sue
Why?- Because Dolphins are harmed and locked up in a mountain.

*Who think that Ruth's crazy and why?- Saul
Why?- Because she told him to rescue the dolphins.

*Who is rude and why? - Sue
Why?- Because she didn't listen to Saul's ideas and ignored him.

*Who wants to scan Saul's eyes.- Sue
Why?- Because she was making his I.D to get into the music room.

2.He was rejected their idea and offer but he will agree to this offer because he does care about the dolphins. He just need a little courage.

Chapter 6

1-Sue. Because Saul didn't have any experiences of using a gun.
2-Saul.- Because he was panic.
3-Ruth- because she doesn't think he is stupid. And he knows people in Neumatt.
4- Peter- Because he is the Controller's brother.

Chapter 8,9,10

1, He didn't want to give away his comfortable life and he didn't want take a risk. He really want to go home and take a hot shower and listen to a music.

I think they will make to arrive to Neumatt.
Because PACE will help them.

3.Because his satellites have less power, Jetcars can't move, helicoptered can't land in the forest.
It is very hard to catch terrorist in the forest.

Chapter 10

a-The Controller
b- Tunnel Worker
c- Captain Marrs
e-PACE workers

Chapter 11,12 13

1. She was always hard on him and rude.
2. to control and identification of tunnel workers
3. Capten Marrs killed Innocent people includes Sue's husband by his own thought. They want to get rid of Captain Marrs.
4. Because she was unfriendly and she always finds Saul's fault.

Chapter 14,15,16

1. Because Caroline didn't believe them.
2. She didn't want show her real thought and emotion to Captail Marre. Because she wanted to protect Saul.
3. She didn't believe him, because she couldn't understood about what he was saying, also, she was in shock about the news that Saul was terrorist and runaway with a woman. But when she calm down, she was trying to understand Saul's massage, and started to believe him; Because she loved him.
4. I think he loved her before he met Sue, but I dont't know after "the bubble bath".

Monday, June 23, 2008

summary-Chapter 8 I never wanted to be a terrorist

He was walking in the tunnel and escaping from captain Marrs. Trough the tunnel was very uncomfortable for him. He had to bend over all the time because he was tall, banging his head, back hurt and also it was very cold. He got a homesick, but he realised that he could never go home again. He lost everything. He thought "My life is finished". He blamed Ruth and Sue because he thinks these problems are all their fault. He was very unhappy and very angry.

Ruth and Sue mentioned that they are going to a secret PACE hide-out in a hill in the middle of the forest. Also, they told there were many wolves and they need to hold a gun. He totally dislike these ideas and complained to them. But there is no alternative. If he went home Captain Marrs would kill him.

Saul asked Ruth "Why are you a terrorist?" She said peter and she set up PACE because she was angry with Control about something happened to Sue. She was a one of original organiser.

Finlay they through the tunnel and in the forest. Saul had first experiences of smell and feel in a forest and heard the wolf howling except a virtual journey. He was terrified of this real life. He really didn't wanted to be a terrorist.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dolphin Music questions

Chapter 1

-True or false

1, Saul's computer could understand what he said to do. True

P.5 second paragraph- His computer knew everything. It knew Saul's voice and Saul could talk to it if he wanted.

Chapter 2

-Who said what?

1. I'm old enough to say what I like. - Ruth

2.We know haw to avoid the police. - Ruth and her company

3. They'v shot many of my friends already to music. - Control

4. He wanted to be back in his room listening to music. - Saul

5. When they are in terrible and dying. They sing. - dolphins

Chapter 4


Saul - conservative, kind
Caroline - cheerful, independent
Dick Lane - He has confidence in himself, obedience
The Controller - autocratic, intelligent
Captain Marrs - determined, cruel, selfish, very quick and keen
Ruth - lively, active, thoughtful

2, Controller say about Saul " I don't think he'll be alive for very much longer" Because he thought Captain Marrs will find him and destroy him soon.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

most embarrassing moment

When I was pregnant with my first daughter I liked to do crochet to make clothes for my new baby. One day I finished a cute little cape while I was sitting down on a bench at my front porch. Just then I saw my husband came back from work. I was very excited to show him the baby cape that I just finished. I stood up from the bench and hold up my both hand and waved to my husband. All of the sudden my skirt was falling down to the ground and showed my big 8 months belly which I unbuttoned while I was sitting and forgot about it. I was very embarrassed but I bet my husband was more!